Basic Contact Information
- First Name
- Last Name
- Street
- City
- State
- Email
- Phone
- Email list signup...
- Best time to call
Identifying Talents and Interests
- Number crunching
- Web design and internet skills
- Computer programming
- Computer system administration
- Writing and editing
- Posting on Internet forums
- Desktop publishing
- Printing
- Organizing people
- Public speaking
- Telephone work
- Political and lobbying skills
- Research/analysis and question formulation
- Ethics complaints
- Filming and videotape production
- Photography
- Legal work (trained attorneys)
- Accounting / Bookkeeping
- Clerical / Reception
- Fundraising
- Marketing / Public Relations
- Teaching / Tutoring
Tactical Actions
- Set up events
- Participate in meetings
- Communicate with others through email lists
- Call and ask reporters to cover stories on the topic
- Advertise - both in traditional and alternative forms:
- TV/radio ads
- Billboards, placards, yard signs, fence signs, etc.
- Bumper stickers, buttons, t-shirts, etc.
- Removable stickers on bathroom mirrors, telephone poles, bus
stops, back of bus seats, junk mail sent back via return
mail, etc.
- Paper 'sound bites' on slips of paper in books at bookstore,
menus at restaraunts, between products in stores, etc.
- Signs in car windows, in friendly trucker's windows, RV's...
- Get progressive books into people's hands (gifts, suggestions...)
- Creative works on the topic (poetry, songs, screenplays, short
stories, etc.)
- Forward stories to blogs, listservs, forums, and your personal
network. Talk about the stories at work and to people you meet
- Enter politics and fight for a worthy cause
- Become a vote watcher or poll worker during an election
- Volunteer for community actions
- Post signs in public places
- Carry a sign and stand in the window outside the Today Show
- Get information into hands of your pastor, bishop, and church
- Marches or other means to disrupt city traffic
- Theatrical actions like display of bloody human replicas, faux
missiles, people dressed as abused POW's, etc.
- Door-to-door Canvassing
- Event Staffing / Tabling
- Literature Distribution
- Literature Production
- Office Work
- Phone Banking
- Register people to vote
- Display a campaign sign at your home or business